Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Certificate Winners

Congratulations to these students who received a certificate at the recent Senior Assembly. I am so proud of all your dedication and hard work!

Room 20 have had a successful start to Term Two! We won the Art and Tidy Bags Award last week. Congratulations everyone!

Well done Vihaan and Urshia for being in the top 5 for the Year Level Challenge in Term 1. You have both worked extremely hard to achieve these excellent results! Keep up the fantastic effort.

Literacy Pro Certificates

Congratulations to these students who received their first Literacy Pro certificates. Keep up the good work! Continue to read and complete your quizzes to earn your certificates Room 20. 

Super Scientist

In Term Two, the Super Scientist challenge will be in the form of an experiment. All students have been invited to research any experiment and present their information to the the in a short presentation (2 to 5 minutes). Students are allowed to use resources such as posters, charts, props and PowerPoint to support their presentation.

The Year Three class presentations will take place in Week 6 of Term 2.

Each Year Three class will select their finalists and they will move forward to the Year Level Super Scientist challenge.

I look forward to seeing all the wonderful presentations.

If you have any questions about the Super Scientist Challenge, please come and see me.

Thank you for your ongoing support.